Sunday, November 14, 2010

Gilbert Lesser did a lot more with very little.

Tonight, my wife and I watched 3 Days of the Condor. This movie has been held quite high over the years, but didn't do much for me. And this isn't a movie review, just an introduction. In one of the later scenes in the movie, Robert Redford takes leave of Faye Dunaway, and as he jogs away across the darkened street, an amazing poster comes into focus. So I began researching who designed it, and discovered a designer I've never heard of. And shame on me for it, because Gilbert Lesser's work is incredible! And now, of course, I know who designed the Studio 54 logo! I've tried to assemble my favorite pieces of his work here — from different spots online as well as the AIGA archive (which was a major source). His letterhead! I'm amazed!


graphic design said...

what a lovely design! isnt it fulfilling to have a graphic design like this in which many people really appreciate? congrats for this great job..

Maureen Grace said...
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Pearly Home Remedy said...

I like the graphic, thanks for the share... :)

Trent Riley said...

I love how you discovered this talented designer through the movie.